We just got back from our recent trip to Costa Rica. It was an absolute blast and I was so honored to spend a week with such inspirational and incredible people. From spending time with Bob Synder and Zach Ohelman, to meeting and having dinner with Woody Woodward this trip was an opportunity to learn and develop my mindset with some of the best people I have met.
The biggest takeaway for me was kind of a reaffirmation of the idea of MOVE! Funny how that keeps coming up with Bob Snyder, however it's completely true. By getting myself into motion I accidentally ended up in Costa Rica for a great week. When you move more you get the chance to put yourself in the right place at the right time. This consistent push towards your own future will begin to tear down walls. It will allow you to find the future that you are looking for. Now by moving you are also giving yourself the opportunity to get out of whatever rut you are currently in. To overcome your personal narrative and redefine the person you are.
Now we are going to be hosting our 10th annual TFP Summit this year, however it is going to be much smaller than last year. We are limiting it to 40 people and have thus far sold around 20 tickets. So if you would like to secure your place this year, I encourage you to MOVE and reach to owen@thefinalpercent.com to see if you would be a good fit for this intensive event.
Thank you to everyone who helps support the channel, we couldn't do this without you!