Today we are joined by the team that runs everything behind the scenes. Salo is our media manager, he edits all of our content, helps us level up how we shoot, and is a vital part of our release capabilities. Owen serves as our online lead, he works to write our copy for things such as this, designs systems for our website, and works hard to help smooth the process in which you, the listener, get access to our products and services.
Owen and Salo each hold a unique perspective separate from my own, they are 22 years old and still very new to the industry and how it works. As such they hold a very different perspective as to what the future looks like and what the journey to get here has felt like.
Tune in to learn about a couple of things we have been planning and getting ready for as well as what 2024 is going to look like.
Also, get ready for our online live event on January 3rd to learn about all of our major changes to TFP as a whole and where we will take the missions we have.